Top Free Cryptocurrency Investigation Training Platforms in the USA

As cryptocurrency becomes increasingly integral to the financial landscape, the ability to investigate digital transactions is crucial. Fortunately, several platforms offer free training to equip individuals with the necessary skills

This article highlights some of the top free cryptocurrency investigation training platforms in the USA, detailing their offerings, targeted audience, and why they are preferred.

Top Free Crypto investigation training Platforms in the USA

1. Blockchain Intelligence Group (BIG)

  • Platform: Blockchain Intelligence Group
  • Targeted Audience: Law enforcement, regulatory bodies, financial institutions.
  • Content: Courses on cryptocurrency basics, blockchain technology, transaction tracing, and compliance

    BIG provides in-depth, practical training modules tailored for professionals dealing with financial crimes and regulatory compliance. Their courses are known for their thoroughness and relevance in real-world scenarios.

2. CipherTrace

  • Platform: CipherTrace
  • Targeted Audience: AML professionals, forensic accountants, cybersecurity experts, law enforcement personnel
  • Content: Webinars and training sessions on AML compliance, cryptocurrency tracing, and forensic accounting

    CipherTrace is a leader in cryptocurrency compliance and security, making their training highly valuable. Their focus on financial crimes and fraud prevention provides critical insights for professionals.

3. Chainalysis

  • Platform: Chainalysis
  • Targeted Audience: Investigators, compliance officers, financial crime analysts, regulatory bodies
  • Content: Blockchain analysis, transaction monitoring, compliance best practices

    Chainalysis is renowned for its comprehensive approach to blockchain forensics. Their training is developed with inputs from industry experts, ensuring it is up-to-date and practical.

4. Elliptic

  • Platform: Elliptic
  • Targeted Audience: Risk managers, compliance officers, financial analysts, law enforcement officials
  • Content: Webinars, whitepapers, and training sessions on cryptocurrency risk management, AML, and compliance

    Elliptic’s practical focus on real-world applications makes their training particularly relevant for professionals in the financial sector.

5. Coinbase Learn

  • Platform: Coinbase Learn
  • Targeted Audience: Beginners, financial professionals, anyone interested in learning the basics of cryptocurrency
  • Content: Articles, tutorials, and videos on cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, and security

    As one of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges, Coinbase offers reliable and accessible educational content that makes complex topics easier to understand.

6. Blockchain Council

  • Platform: Blockchain Council
  • Targeted Audience: Developers, financial professionals, compliance officers, law enforcement officials

Contains Courses on blockchain development, cryptocurrency regulations, forensic investigations. Free courses and resources available online. Blockchain Council provides a diverse range of topics and practical training that is comprehensive and valuable for a broad audience.

7. MIT OpenCourseWare

  • Platform: MIT OpenCourseWare
  • Targeted Audience: Students, researchers, professionals seeking an academic understanding of blockchain technology

Contains Lecture notes, assignments, and exams on blockchain and cryptocurrency topics. The academic rigor and credibility of MIT make these courses highly valuable for serious learners.

8. Police1

Perfect for law enforcement officers looking for a basic introduction specifically tailored to the investigative side of cryptocurrency. This free course provides a foundational understanding of cryptocurrency, defining key terms, exploring different types, and explaining how governments attempt to regulate them.

9. National Institute of Justice (NIJ) and Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN):

Government agencies like NIJ and FinCEN offer a treasure trove of resources on their websites. These resources might include reports, case studies, and even webinars on cryptocurrency investigations. It Provides a wealth of knowledge from official sources, often covering a broader range of topics beyond the basics.

10. Coursera: Introduction to Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies

Offered by the University of Pennsylvania, this free course delves deeper into the technical aspects of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency technologies. Understanding the inner workings can be a major advantage in investigations.

11. Open Source Investigations

This non-profit organization offers online resources and training materials focused on open-source intelligence (OSINT) techniques. These skills can be invaluable for investigators looking to gather information from publicly available online sources. Teaches investigators how to leverage the vast amount of data available online, potentially leading to crucial investigative leads.

12. Blockchain Fundamentals Specialization (University at Buffalo)

Offered by the State University of New York, this free specialization program dives into the fundamentals of blockchain technology. Understanding how blockchains work is essential for investigators analyzing cryptocurrency transactions and empower investigators to effectively navigate the complexities of crypto investigations.

13. Chainalysis Academy

Chainalysis, a leading blockchain analysis company, offers a variety of free online courses on topics like cryptocurrency fundamentals and tracing illicit transactions.Developed by experts in the field, these courses offer valuable insights from a practical, industry-leading perspective.

14. CoinMarketCap Alexandria

CoinMarketCap, a popular cryptocurrency data platform, offers a comprehensive educational resource called Alexandria. While some content might be geared towards investors, there are valuable articles and guides on cryptocurrency basics, regulations, and emerging trends, all relevant to investigations.

Free vs. Paid Training: Understanding the Benefits of Each

While free resources are invaluable for foundational knowledge, they often come with limitations. Paid training programs typically offer in-depth content, case studies, access to industry experts, and ongoing support. For those seeking comprehensive expertise, investing in a paid program might provide additional benefits that free resources can’t match.

Exploring Free Training Options Beyond Law Enforcement

In addition to platforms focused on law enforcement, universities, non-profit organizations, and industry leaders also offer free training. For instance, platforms like MIT OpenCourseWare provide academic courses, while non-profits like the Blockchain Council offer a variety of free resources aimed at broadening your knowledge in financial crime investigations and blockchain analysis.

Developing a Strong Foundation: Skills Beyond Free Training

Free resources provide a solid starting point, but additional skills are crucial for successful crypto investigations. This includes digital forensics, open-source intelligence (OSINT) techniques, and familiarity with blockchain analysis tools. Mastering these skills can enhance your investigative capabilities and prepare you for more complex challenges.

Building a Crypto Investigation Toolkit

Free and open-source tools are essential for investigators. These include blockchain explorers like, transaction tracing platforms such as Blockseer, and wallet analysis tools. These tools help track and analyze cryptocurrency transactions but do not involve cracking passwords, ensuring ethical use.

Career Paths in Crypto Investigations

  • Careers in crypto investigations can be diverse. 
  • You could join a law enforcement agency’s cybercrime unit, work for a specialized crypto investigation firm, or offer consulting services. 
  • Each path offers unique opportunities to apply your skills in different contexts.

Ethical Considerations in Crypto Investigations

Ethical considerations are paramount in cryptocurrency investigations. Respecting user privacy and adhering to legal regulations are critical. 

Investigators must balance their investigative activities with ethical standards to maintain trust and integrity in their work.


Choosing the right training platform is crucial for anyone interested in cryptocurrency investigations. Free resources provide an excellent foundation, but considering long-term value and additional skills is essential for comprehensive expertise. 

By staying updated with industry trends, leveraging free and paid resources, and adhering to ethical standards, professionals can effectively navigate the complex world of crypto investigations.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the salary of a crypto investigator?

    In the US, a cryptocurrency investigator makes, on average, $75,325 annually.

    2. Is it possible for the FBI to track cryptocurrency?

      Absolutely, government enforcement organizations like the FBI are able to track Bitcoin transactions to some degree.

      3. Is it possible to recover crypto that has been stolen?

        Some of the cryptocurrency you lost may be recouped in certain circumstances. This can entail using specialist tracing services, cooperating with law authorities to track transactions, or freezing money on exchanges.

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