
Is PESTLE Analysis Internal or External?

PESTLE analysis is a strategic management tool used to identify and analyze the external environmental factors that might impact an organization. This method examines various macro-environmental aspects under the categories of Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, and Environmental factors.

Defining the Elements of PESTLE Analysis

PESTLE stands for:

  • Political: Examines the role of governments and how their policies and stability influence the business landscape.
  • Economic: Considers economic conditions that affect business operations like inflation, exchange rates, and economic growth.
  • Social: Looks at societal changes and trends that can affect market demand and consumer preferences.
  • Technological: Focuses on emerging technological innovations and their impact on business efficiency and product offerings.
  • Legal: Involves regulations and laws that businesses must comply with within their operational jurisdictions.
  • Environmental: Covers ecological aspects that can influence business practices, such as sustainability and environmental regulations.

Application of PESTLE Analysis: A Case Study of Amazon

The following table highlights a PESTLE analysis of Amazon, identifying specific opportunities and threats in each category:

PoliticalStability in developed countries; support for e-commerce in policies.Increased focus on cybersecurity potentially leading to stringent regulations.
EconomicStable economies in the US and Europe; rising incomes in developing markets.Economic volatility in China which could affect global trade dynamics.
SociologicalGrowing consumerism in emerging markets; trends towards online shopping.Disparities in wealth which might influence buying patterns.
TechnologicalAdvancements offering new business tools and platforms; efficiency improvements.Risks associated with cybercrime and data security.
LegalNew regulations providing clarity and frameworks for online operations.
EnvironmentalIncrease in environmental awareness leading to green consumerism.

Advantages and Disadvantages of PESTLE Analysis


  • Comprehensive Understanding: Provides a broad and thorough view of the external environment that a business operates within.
  • Strategic Awareness: Helps businesses recognize external opportunities and threats, facilitating proactive rather than reactive strategies.
  • Risk Management: By anticipating external risks, companies can develop strategies to mitigate them effectively.
  • Enhanced Decision Making: Supports strategic decision-making by providing insights into factors that can influence business operations.


  • Data Overload: Can lead to an overwhelming amount of data, making it difficult to distinguish relevant from irrelevant information.
  • Rapid Change: External factors can change rapidly, which may render the analysis obsolete if not regularly updated.
  • Subjectivity: Interpretations of data can be subjective, potentially leading to biased or skewed outcomes.
  • Non-consideration of Internal Factors: PESTLE focuses solely on external factors and does not take into account internal organizational strengths and weaknesses.


PESTLE analysis provides crucial insights into the external environment of businesses like Amazon. It highlights the need for organizations to adapt to changing political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental factors. By continuously monitoring these external factors, companies can make strategic decisions that align with their long-term goals and mitigate potential risks.


1. What is PESTEL analysis of the external environment?

The external environment refers to all the outside factors or influences that impact the operation of a business. These are divided into two types: the micro environment, which involves more immediate and specific influences, and the macro environment, which encompasses broader societal and economic conditions. 

2. What is the PESTLE of external risk?

PESTLE analysis is a strategic management tool used to identify and analyze external risks that could impact a business. It is part of the external risk identification process in a Risk Management Plan. The technique breaks down risks into several categories:

  • Political: Risks related to government policies and political instability.
  • Economic: Risks arising from economic instability or changes in market conditions.
  • Social: Risks associated with changing social trends and public behaviors.
  • Technological: Risks due to technological evolution and innovation.
  • Legal: Risks stemming from new or changing laws and regulations.
  • Environmental: Risks related to environmental issues and changes.

3. What is an example of PESTLE analysis?

An example of PESTLE analysis could involve planning the workforce requirements for a tech company. By utilizing PESTLE analysis, the company would consider several external factors to ensure they recruit a skilled and effective workforce:

  • Technological: Understanding the technological advancements to determine the skill sets required.
  • Social: Analyzing social trends to anticipate changes in workforce dynamics or preferences.
  • Economic: Considering economic conditions that affect labor costs and availability of skilled labor.
  • Legal: Ensuring compliance with employment laws and regulations.
  • Environmental: Considering environmental policies that might affect the workplace, such as sustainability practices.
  • Political: Assessing political stability that might impact the labor market.

This approach helps the company align its human resource strategy with external environmental factors, ensuring they have the right workforce to achieve their objectives.

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